Natural Disasters

Flood and Cyclone Response

Thank you for your interest in helping people affected by the recent flood and cyclone events. We have received a lot of generous offers from lawyers who are keen to help.

We expect the flood and cyclone work to be a bit different than our general work.  When disaster strikes, people focus on their immediate needs: personal safety, food and shelter, reconnecting with family. Most legal issues get resolved in the following few weeks directly between the parties.  It also takes a few months for matters to filter through to agencies like Te Ara Ture.

We are not expecting to receive a large number of matters. However, we know from experience - pro bono will make a huge difference to people who can't get legal help any other way.

Registration Options

To manage the flood and cyclone work we have set up a special filter on our online portal. You can register for our general pro bono practice or the disaster service only. If you only want flood and cyclone opportunities then select that option on the registration form.

Who can register:

The Lawyers and Conveyancers Act puts limits on pro bono work. We can only accept registrations from the following:

  • Law firms
  • Sole practitioners
  • Barristers sole (qualified to practice on their own account).

Practice Areas:

Any area of law could be useful in response to a disaster. However, we expect most opportunities to be in the following areas:

  • Insurance
  • Credit and debt
  • Property
  • Construction
  • Resource management
  • Tenancy
  • Employment
  • Neighbour disputes
  • Family

Next Steps

To find our more about our service, including our T&Cs, visit our lawyers page.

If you're ready, you can go to our lawyer registration form.

If you're not eligible to register (or don't want to just now) you can join our mailing list at the button below.

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