Our programme

We operate a range of programmes and services.

Case referral

Case referral is our main work and the most common form of pro bono legal assistance. In this traditional model, an individual or organisation who needs help is referred to a lawyer for legal services. The legal work is done by the lawyer as part of their ordinary legal practice without charge or at a reduced fee to the client.

Our case referral work can include any area of law. However, we also have 2 specialist services.

Not-for-profit service

By assisting not-for-profit or community organisations, pro bono providers are supporting organisations so they can use their resources to assist those in need rather than paying for legal services.

Pro bono providers assist NFPs with advice on areas such as governance, employment, commercial agreements, and incorporations. They may also provide training to NFPs on legal issues affecting them.

Community law consults

Community Law Consults (or ‘phone a friend’) involves mentoring or advising Community Law Centre lawyers by pro bono providers. This takes the form of short telephone or email echanges, where advice or an opinion is needed.  The CLC retain the client relationship in this model.

Capability projects

From time to time we develop projects to help build legal capability.  This include providing legal education sessions to community law centre lawyers, or developing resources (such as legal information content or template documents).  can be targeted at can include resource development By assisting not-for-profit or community organisations, pro bono providers are supporting organisations so they can use their resources to assist those in need rather than paying for legal services.

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